Sunday, October 30, 2005

The Elements of Pastoring

One of my favorite little books is Strunk and White's The Elements of Style. Someone recommended it to me my first year in seminary, and it has been a close companion ever since. With brevity and clarity it attempts to teach writers how to write. (Preachers would do well to heed its instructions as well. One of my favorite rules is #13: "Omit needless words.")

Some time ago (and much less formally) I began to keep a list I call "The Elements of Pastoring." If I were to think seriously about the issue, my list would be more comprehensive, but here is what I have so far:

1. Remember "The Peter Principle." ("In any hierarchical organization people rise to the level of their incompetence.")
2. Don't be careless with public worship, weddings, funerals, etc.
3. Enjoy the journey not just the destination. (A particularly difficult one for me!)
4. Be a person of grace.
5. Have something clear to say in your sermon, and say it simply and well.
6. Find your own voice as a pastor and trust it. (Stop trying to imitate the latest fads.)

What would you add to these?

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