Thursday, February 04, 2016

Long Term Becomes Short Term!

After 6 months of stress-free living, I have accepted a position as an intentional interim at a church very similar (at least in many ways) to the one I retired from. The scary thing is that I feel reasonably competent to do this job (in distinction to my normal Moses mode — "Here am I, Lord, send Aaron, because this is more than I can handle.") Hopefully, that's a sign of maturity not hubris! I've met a number of people and feel very comfortable with them, and they seem to be equally comfortable with me; so we'll see how it goes. Sunday will be my first preaching experience here which doesn't bother me in the least, but we're having communion this week, and the choreography is fairly demanding. Complicating it all is my preference to do most of the communion liturgy from memory. I'm praying for a calm heart and a clear mind!

The new Adventure begins....

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