Well said!Thirty-five years ago this month I began serving my first church as pastor. The Rock Prairie Baptist Church in College Station, Texas took a major risk on a senior Texas A&M student by issuing me a call to be their pastor. It was my happy privilege to serve them for nearly two years before being called to the Spring Valley Baptist Church in Dallas. I am currently in my twenty-eighth year of serving Grace Baptist Church in Cape Coral, Florida.As I recently reflected on the last thirty-five years I wrote down some lessons learned and convictions I’ve come to or continued to hold. Here are thirty-five of them.
- Long-term perspective helps you to endure and to think wisely about immediate problems.
- The kingdom of God does not—and will not—skip a beat when I am sidelined.
- The church is more important than I thought when I started.
- Some of my words and actions to which I am most oblivious can be hurtful to people.
- Pastoral ministry is indeed, as John Newton puts it, “a bitter full of sweet” and “a sorrow full of joy.”
- Christians are the greatest people in the world.
- Christians are capable of the most wicked actions in the world.
- My greatest challenge at the beginning of my ministry continues to be dealing with my own heart.
- An excellent wife is the greatest earthly gift I have, and she is more excellent than I ever could have imagined.
- True friends are rare and invaluable.
- Some of the most outwardly religious people can be the biggest hypocrites.
- It is nearly impossible for a man who marries poorly to make it in the ministry.
- Some of the most humble, unassuming saints provide the greatest encouragement to pastors.
- Some of the most effective pastoral ministry I have ever had has come through my presence more than my words.
- Some words I have spoken incidentally have ministered God’s grace more powerfully than others over which I labored and prepared for hours.
- Preaching really is a divinely ordained, foolish activity.
- Every conversion to Christ is a miracle of grace involving intricate acts and provisions that have been divinely orchestrated.
- Having the right books is far more important than have many books.
- God’s grace has shined brightest through the suffering of His people.
- Justification by faith is a bottomless well of grace.
- The complete humanity and spotless righteousness of Jesus has become more amazing to me.
- There is no easy way to do a hard task and ministry is full of hard tasks.
- The propitiatory work of Jesus on the cross amazes me more and more.
- The relationship of God’s law to His gospel has implications for every biblical doctrine.
- Some of the greatest pastors are men who live, serve and die in relative obscurity.
- Incremental progress is real progress and should not be dismissed.
- God is far more patient than I could have ever imagined.
- Forgiveness is one of the sweetest graces both in its giving and receiving.
- Though I’ve stayed in one place a long time, I have served at least 4 different churches during that time and my people have had at least that many different pastors in the same man.
- Wherever you see a long pastorate you can be sure there is an abundance of grace in the congregation.
- Godly widows and widowers are worthy heroes.
- The advance of the gospel and the spread of God’s kingdom is a testimony to power of His grace.
- Raising children is one of the greatest privileges and challenges in human experience.
- Having adult children is a greater joy and blessing than I ever imagined it would be.
- Grandchildren rock!